Friday, August 28, 2020

Creative Intelligence †Mental Models Essay

Presentation Inventive Intelligence is the capacity of brain to devise creative and savvy answers for the issues looked in routine life. It is an exceptionally basic segment of effective insight as it decides the possibility to venture out in front of the provided circumstances so as to deliver innovative and fascinating thoughts. Such a circumstance shows up when an individual moves toward a path inverse to that of general sentiment with a thought process to create proficient intends to achieve the assignment (Burt, 1931). The four styles of Creative Intelligence are: Intuitive, Innovative, Imaginative and Inspirational. The correlation of these styles and their impact on authoritative dynamic is as per the following- Natural: According to the instinctive style, the fundamental ideas and bits of knowledge of psyche are answerable for creating imaginative thoughts and deciding the choice to be taken. In such a style, raw numbers hold less significance and intricacy of the circumstance isn't irritating. In natural style, steady changes in the inside just as the outer situations of the association are assumed, in advance. This style affects the association as choices are to a great extent assumed the premise of the essential comprehension of the representatives. Inventive: according to the imaginative style of innovative knowledge, the inventive capacity of the brain to create momentous answers for the issues increases high conspicuousness. Such style is typically portrayed by out-of box thinking and unusual purpose of perspectives. Like the instinctive style, it doesn't concentrate a lot on the information and measurements. As each association wants novel and imaginative thoughts for its issues, along these lines, the creative style assumes a vital job in the dynamic procedure. Innovative: In this style of inventive insight, an individual devisesâ new and imaginative thoughts completely based on his creative mind abilities. Such a style requires the circumstance to be seen from an assortment of viewpoints and unraveled totally based on shear innovative capability of the psyche. It doesn't require numerous subtleties identified with the given conditions. Such a style impacts the dynamic procedure of an association by prescribing innovative measures to determine the issue. Motivational: The moving style is a one of a kind type of imaginative insight. As indicated by this style, clever thoughts and arrangements are created by drawing motivation from the activities taken in circumstances of comparative nature. Such sort of inspiration can likewise be gotten from the figures recognized by the person. As opposed to different styles, it understands the significance of the subtleties identified with the circumstance. Likewise, the helpful style, improves the procedure of dynamic in a positive way by suggesting verified measures. Impact of Five powers on Mental Models-A psychological model records for an individual’s point of view about how things work in reality. As these models allude to an image or portrayal of outside realities, they are accepted to assume a critical job in dynamic (Sternberg, 1982). The five powers influence the psychological models existing in an association in a huge way. Because of these powers, the psychological models adjust to the adjustments in the inside and outside situations (Mental Models, Metaphor and Design, 2008). How Mental Models may restrain the dynamic procedure As the psychological models structure biased reactions to a given circumstance or an issue, they forestall the acquaintance of any new arrangements with tackle the current issues (Robles-De-La-Torre G. and Sekuler, 2004). For representation, the horrible showing of a worker attributable to certain unavoidable measures would lead the HR Manager to take an inaccurate choice about his future because of his set mental model. Essentially, an organization’s guarded mentality would keep it from taking part in an unsafe yet beneficial venture (Increasing Intelligence, 2008). Normally utilized Mental Models and their effect on the dynamic procedure at the working environment- At the work environment, various mental models are utilized by the people to take choices in the given circumstance (Mental Models, 2008). On comparable lines, my dynamic procedure at the work environment is guided by the auxiliary and useful mental models. So as to take a choice in the given circumstance, I right off the bat utilize the utilitarian model as it assists with realizing the genuine errand to be acted in the given conditions. For the most part, this psychological model fills in as the key reason for taking any sort of choice for the issue. Be that as it may, so as to comprehend the elements prompting the issue, the basic model is utilized. This model helps with understanding the different segments of the issues at the work environment and their associations with one another. Indeed, both the models impact my dynamic procedure to a lot as they expect shifting hugeness relying upon the circumstance experienced at the work environment. Simultaneously, they help during the time spent accepting fitting choices according to the prerequisite of the given circumstance. References Burt, C. 1931. _The Differentiation Of Intellectual Ability_. The British Journal of Educational Psychology. Robles-De-La-Torre G. and Sekuler R.. 2004. _Numerically Estimating Internal Models of Dynamic Virtual Objects_. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception. Sternberg, R.J. 1982. _Handbook of human intelligence_. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Expanding Intelligence. (2008). Recovered April 17, 2008, from Mental Models. (2008). Recovered April 17, 2008, from Mental Models, Metaphor and Design. (2008). Recovered April 17, 2008, from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Financial Analysis Of AGL And Genesis Energy Limited Sample

Question: Talk about the Financial Analysis of AGL and Genesis Energy Limited. Answer: Presentation Monetary investigation utilizing the proportions as the fundamental apparatus help in understanding the patterns in the things contained in the pay proclamations, asset report and income explanation. There are numerous presentation pointers like increment/decline in total compensation in current year when contrasted with earlier year. Such pointers will assist with evaluating the money related execution of AGL Energy Limited and Genesis Energy Limited. Brief Introduction to Companies AGL Energy Limited AGL Energy Limited is the Australian driving organization and it is publically recorded on the Australian Exchange. AGL Energy Limited arrangements in the vitality business and means to give the vitality items and administrations to the individuals in Australia. AGL Energy Limited is the main maker of the power in Australia and furthermore circulates the power to the family units (Annual Report 2015: AGL Energy Limited). The primary sources utilized by the organization for creation of power are gaseous petrol, warm force, wind force, hydroelectricity and coal. Organization is additionally effectively associated with lessening the green house gas discharge through giving clean wellspring of vitality to the individuals. AGL Energy Limited has an encounter of over 17 decades in age and conveyance of power. The principle practical region of the organization is the Eastern Australia. Beginning Energy Limited Beginning Energy Limited is the New Zealand based organization and furthermore publically recorded on the Australian Stock Exchange. Beginning Energy Limited is one of the contenders of AGL Energy Limited and arrangements in same industry as AGL Energy Limited. Organization offers its types of assistance in all the significant conditions of the New Zealand. It has noticed that Genesis Energy Limited is greatest power and normal retailing organization with portion of 26 % and 42% individually. This organization has in excess of 636,676 clients in New Zealand that makes it the greatest retail power organization in New Zealand (Annual Report 2015: Genesis Energy Limited). Beginning Energy Limited expects to give perfect, savvy and ordinary wellsprings of vitality that assists with lessening the carbon discharges in the earth. Fiscal report Analysis Patterns in the things of pay proclamation, asset report and income articulation AGL Energy Limited is known for their budgetary presentation and there is constant development in the gross benefit in most recent five years (2011 to 2015). There was decline in net benefit in year 2015 as contrast with year 2014. EPS diminished to 33.3 pennies in year 2015 in contrast with 98.2 pennies in year 2014. Current resources speak to working capital and abatement in current resources prompts lackluster showing. There was very nearly 50 % decline in real money and money counterparts in year 2015 as contrast with year 2014. Exchange receivables stay same in both the years that mean organization has not confined better procedures to recuperate the receivables all the more every now and again (Walton, 2000). There was an expansion in the non current resources and it was set apart by increment in plant and apparatus and oil and gas resources. There was increment in current liabilities in year 2015 when contrasted with year 2014 and such increment has not been repaid by the pres ent resources. This shows the terrible showing of the organization in year 2015. AGL Energy Limited has earned money and money reciprocals of 1,044 million dollars from working exercises in year 2015 and this money has been utilized to fund the new plant and apparatus (Annual Report 2015: AGL Energy Limited). There has increment in net gave by the working exercises in year 2015. It has been noticed that net money utilized in contributing action has been expanded to 2,175 million dollars in year 2015 as contrast with 769 million dollars in year 2014. Organization has taken obtaining of 2,647 million dollars in year 2015 and it is 572 million dollars more than getting taken in year 2014. It shows that organization is utilizing more obligation funding to back the business. Beginning Energy Limited Beginning Energy Limited has performed well in year 2015 and it is reflected through its budget summaries. Net benefit of the year has been expanded to 104.8 million dollars in year 2015 from 49.2 million dollars in year 2014. Gaining per share expanded to 10.49 pennies in year 2015 from 4.92 pennies in year 2014 that shows expanding pattern in the income of the organization (Sagner, 2010). There was slight reduction in estimation of current resources yet there is increment in estimation of current liabilities. It shows that organization has less resources for pay its present liabilities. Beginning Energy Limited has produced 318.5 million dollars from the working exercises and such sum has been utilized to pay the obligation (Annual Report 2015: Genesis Energy Limited). There was expanding pattern in the money created from the working exercises. Speculation made by the Genesis Energy Limited in year 2015 has been diminished to 48.6 million dollars as contrast with 82.9 million dolla rs in year 2014. There was increment in real money surges in financing exercises because of reimbursements of getting and increment in profit sum (Houston and Brigham, 2009). Money related Ratios Financials proportions of both the organizations have been determined utilizing the supreme figures from the yearly reports and results acquired has been appeared underneath as table. Gainfulness Analysis Proportion Calculations Points of interest Equation 2014 2015 Profit for resources Net Profit/Average Total Assets AGL Energy Limited 4.03% 1.38% Beginning Energy Limited 1.36% 2.97% Net Profit Margin Net Profit/Net Revenue AGL Energy Limited 5.46% 2.04% Beginning Energy Limited 2.45% 5.00% There is decline consequently on resource proportion of AGL Energy Limited in year 2015 by 2.65 % as contrast with year 2014. Then again, there was increment consequently of advantages proportion in year 2015 by 2.97 % (Bull, 2007). Net overall revenue proportion has diminished to 2.04 % in year 2015 if there should arise an occurrence of AGL Energy Limited demonstrating a decline of 3.42 % as contrast with year 2014. While net benefit proportion of Genesis Energy Limited has expanded in year 2015. Liquidity Analysis Proportion Calculations Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities 2014 2015 AGL Energy Limited 1.57 1.46 Beginning Energy Limited 1.45 1.12 Brisk Ratio Brisk Assets/Current Liabilities AGL Energy Limited 1.49 1.29 Beginning Energy Limited 1.07 0.86 There was slight abatement in the present proportion if there should be an occurrence of AGL Energy Limited in year 2015 and furthermore there was decline in current proportion of Genesis Energy Limited around the same time (Mumba, 2013). Speedy Asset proportion diminished to 1.29 occasions in year 2015 as contrast with 1.49 in 2014 if there should arise an occurrence of AGL Energy Limited. Speedy proportion of Genesis Energy Limited likewise got diminished to 0.86 occasions in year 2015 as contrast with 1.07 in 2014 (Fridson and Alvarez, 2011). Capital Structure Analysis Proportion Calculations Obligation to Equity Ratio Absolute Debt/Shareholders Equity 2014 2015 AGL Energy Limited 0.86 0.80 Beginning Energy Limited 0.93 0.93 Value Ratio Absolute Equity/Total Assets AGL Energy Limited 0.54 0.56 Beginning Energy Limited 0.52 0.52 Obligation to value proportion of AGL Energy Limited decline to 0.80 in year 2015 as contrast with 0.86 in 2014 that demonstrates decline in the red in year 2015 (Gtze, Northcott and Schuster, 2007). While there was no adjustment under water value proportion of Genesis Energy Limited. Value proportion of AGL Energy Limited has expanded to 0.56 in 2015 as contrast with 0.54 in year 2014. While, there was no adjustment in value proportion of Genesis Energy Limited. Market Performance Proportion Calculations Gaining per Share Benefit inferable for investors/Number of normal Stock (Shares) 2014 2015 AGL Energy Limited $ 0.979 $ 0.375 Beginning Energy Limited $ 0.049 $ 0.105 Profit per Share Complete Dividend Distributed/Number of Common Stock (Shares) AGL Energy Limited $ 0.603 $ 0.665 Beginning Energy Limited $ 0.146 $ 0.121 Gaining per portion of AGL Energy Limited has diminished to 0.375 dollars in year 2015 as contrast with 0.979 in 2014 (Trading Economics, 2016). This decline is because of increment costs in year 2015. On this other hand EPS of Genesis Energy Limited has expanded to 0.105 dollars as contrast with 0.049 in 2014. This shows horrible showing of AGL Energy Limited as contrast with execution of Genesis Energy Limited. AGL Energy Limited has delivered great profit in year 2015 because of higher benefits in year 2014 (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2011). End The monetary examination encourages the speculators to survey the money related execution of the organizations before settling on any venture choices. In this report, monetary investigation of AGL Energy Limited and Genesis Energy Limited has been directed and all outcomes are appropriately examined. Notwithstanding of various advantages of proportion examination there are sure impediments. Budgetary are not the genuine agents of monetary execution of the organization as it shows the companys execution for specific timespan. Proportion examination at different focuses in the year can be increasingly commendable and important. Proposal It is exceptionally recommended to the financial specialists based on pattern examination and proportion investigation to not put resources into AGL Energy Limited because of lower benefit and diminishing pattern in year 2015. Likewise, there is no desire for good execution in one year from now. Then again Genesis Energy has performed well and results demonstrate the organization will win higher advantages in future year. In yea

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Loons Free Essays

string(178) a Metis through the social dismissal which describes Manawaka’s perspective on her family:  ‘I wager you know a great deal about the forested areas and all that, eh? ’ I started respectfully. Diary of the Short Story in English 48â (Spring 2007) Varia †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Jennifer Murray Arranging Loss and Otherness in Margaret Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons† †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Electronic reference Jennifer Murray,  «Ã‚ Negotiating Loss and Otherness in Margaret Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons†Ã¢ â », Journal of the Short Story in English [Online], 48 | Spring 2007, Online since 01 juin 2009, Connection on 01 avril 2013. URL : http://jsse. revues. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Loons or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now organization/index858. html Publisher: Presses universitaires d’Angers http://jsse. revues. organization http://www. revues. organization Document accessible online on: http://jsse. revues. organization/index858. html Document naturally produced on 01 avril 2013. The page numbering doesn't coordinate that of the print version.  © All rights held Negotiating Loss and Otherness in Margaret Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons† 2 Jennifer Murray Negotiating Loss and Otherness in Margaret Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons† : p. 71-80 1 2 3 4 5 â€Å"The Loons† has a place with Margaret Laurence’s story-succession A Bird in the House which is worked around the character Vanessa MacLeod and her growing-up a very long time in the anecdotal town of Manawaka, Manitoba. Following on from the collection’s title story which has the demise of Vanessa’s father as its focal occasion, â€Å"The Loons† is set in a period before the father’s passing and is the first of three stories which manage Vanessa’s dynamic opening up to her general surroundings and her expanding consciousness of the misery, neediness and types of mistreatment outside of her family circle (Stovel 92). All the more explicitly, â€Å"The Loons† gives us Vanessa’s view of a little youngster called Piquette Tonnerre who is of Metis plummet and who collects the social detriments of destitution, ailment, ethnic separation and being female. The story has been reprimanded for the faulty qualities appended to its utilization of Piquette as the generalization of the destined minority figure, most remarkably by Tracy Ware who asks: â€Å"To what degree [does this short story] affirm a corrupted ace account that views Natives as survivors of a triumphant white progress? † (71). Simultaneously, Ware perceives the â€Å"enduring feeling of [the] tasteful merit† (71) of this story which so unmistakably includes its place inside the group of Canadian writing. Assessing the content against its delineation of the Metis can just prompt the negative ends that Ware shows up at, to be specific, that Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons† misses the mark concerning the desires for today’s politically-cognizant peruser. What this perusing of â€Å"The Loons† doesn't consider is that the â€Å"aesthetic merit† of the story is arranged elsewhereâ€not in the picture or job of Piquette all things considered, yet in the story’s treatment of misfortune and in the focal job of the dad in the symbolics of this specific bunch of importance. With regards to the full story-grouping, misfortune and the dad would appear to be all the more normally related in â€Å"A Bird in the House,† where the passing of the dad is the focal occasion. In â€Å"The Loons,† the demise of the dad is reviewed and reactivated as an advising occasion identified with different minutes in Vanessa’s life and to her relationship to other people, Piquette bearing the heaviness of this job as ‘other’. On one levelâ€that of Vanessa’s youth impression of Piquette2â€the story is about incomprehension, misjudgment, preventiveness and the inconceivability of correspondence between the two young ladies. Be that as it may, the whole history of this bombed relationship is returned to through the describing voice of the grown-up Vanessa; in the recounting the story, she reshapes past occasions through the experience of misfortune incited by her father’s demise and contributes them with emblematic worth. Like the visionary and the fantasy, Vanessa’s story is more about Vanessa than about people around her; it is her endeavor to accommodate her own feeling of misfortune into a world which is, more than she knows, past her. The father’s job in giving Vanessa access to emblematic qualities is fundamental to the story; in reality, the first ‘event’ in the story is the father’s declaration of his anxiety (as a specialist) for the soundness of the youthful Piquette, who is in his consideration. In the wake of having arranged the ground quickly, he asks his better half: â€Å"Beth, I was thinkingâ€what about taking her up to Diamond Lake with us this mid year? Two or three months rest would give that bone a greatly improved chance† (110). This demonstration of social liberality, which is to include his entire family, acquaints the peruser with the father’s values; it likewise initiates the proceeding with relationship in the content between the dad and Piquette. The dad is a reference point for Piquette; she conjures him to legitimize her refusal to go with Vanessa on a short walk: â€Å"Your father said I ain’t expected to do no more strolling than I got to† (113), and in later years, Piquette tells Vanessa, â€Å"Your father was the main individual in Manawaka that done anything great to me† (116). This positive appraisal of the dad is Journal of the Short Story in English, 48 | Spring 2007 Arranging Loss and Otherness in Margaret Laurence’s â€Å"The Loons† 3 6 the main shared ground between the young ladies. Because of the remark above, Vanessa â€Å"nodded silently [†¦ ] sure that [Piquette] was talking the truth† (116). For the sake of her adoration for her dad, Vanessa will make a few endeavors at drawing nearer Piquette: these endeavors are routinely met with dismissal, prompting a snapshot of harmed for Vanessa: ‘Want to come and play? ’ Piquette took a gander at me with an abrupt blaze of hatred. ‘I ain’t a kid,’ she said. Injured, I stepped irately away [†¦]. 112) 7 8 This example repeats twice on the accompanying page, with Piquette’s â€Å"scorn† taking on different structures â€â€Å"Her voice was distant† (113); â€Å"her enormous dim unsmiling eyes† (113)â€and her refusals getting all the more verbally forceful: â€Å"You nuts or somethin’? † (11 3); â€Å"Who gives a decent goddamn? † (114). The difficulty of sharing between the young ladies is seen both from the point of view of the youngster Vanessa, who is perplexed, â€Å"wondering what I could have said wrong† (113), and from the more experienced viewpoint offered by the described development of occasions. This twofold vision permits the peruser to see the misperceptions and automatic lack of care on which Vanessa’s endeavors at correspondence are based. Where Vanessa fantasizes Piquette into â€Å"a genuine Indian† (112) and ventures onto her the information on the ‘secrets’ of nature, Piquette lives her way of life as a Metis through the social dismissal which describes Manawaka’s perspective on her family:  ‘I wager you know a great deal about the forested areas and all that, eh? ’ I started consciously. You read The Loons in class Papers †¦] ‘I don’t recognize what in damnation you’re talkin’ about,’ she answered. [†¦] If you mean where my dad, and me, and all them live, you better shut up, by Jesus, you hear? ’ (113) 9 While the youngster can't comprehend the protectiveness of Piquette, as perusers, our insight into Piquette’s social conditions, sketched out in the initial se ctions of the story, drives us to a positi

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Helpful Essay Writing Tips For Those Trying to Get A Law Degree

Helpful Essay Writing Tips For Those Trying to Get A Law DegreeWhen you are getting ready to write an essay for a Law class, you can benefit from following some helpful tips that might help you along the way. Some of these include:It is not necessary to submit your essay to all the essay writing contests out there. There are a lot of them available and if you have more than one or two it will be really beneficial to give all of them a miss. Also, you will need to read other students' essays to see what they were like and if you know anything about the subject, check on your own essay to see if you are falling short of the mark. This will help you gauge how well you are doing and how you can improve your writing skills further.When you do submit your essay for law school you will want to make sure that you are using the same material for your essay as the one you are writing for your exam. That means that if you want to use the materials to help with your essay, you should use them al so. Otherwise, your essay will be useless and you will get no credit for it.You can get some good practice in the form of sample essays by going online. Many students who write on a regular basis are now publishing their essays online. These are usually written by highly qualified students who usually know a lot about the subject and are also quite experienced at writing for the exam.It is important to note that, most law students write several essays during their school career. While this is great in itself, it can be quite burdensome when you have a group of law students writing a large number of essays. You will often find yourself not being able to concentrate on your essays if you have a large group of them to write for your class.So, it is better to make your own list of essays you feel you can handle. Once you get into that mode of thinking, you will find it easier to focus on your writing tasks without feeling burdened. This will be an advantage that you will enjoy for many years to come.There are many more tips that will be useful when you are writing for law school. The most important thing to remember when you are writing for this course is that you are writing for your students, so make sure that you do not overdo it. You will be surprised at how much this can help your law school grades.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ebay’s E-Commerce Success - 1032 Words

Ebay’s E-Commerce Success How Ebay Used IT to make it Big Kent Kirkwood Intro to Business, BA101 Professor Williams February 2nd, 2011 Ebay’s E-Commerce Success How Ebay Used IT to make it Big Ebay had an unusual start, when a 28 year old programmer named Pierre Omidyar, created a site to sell items online stated, Hsiao, A (n.d.). He posted some broken laser pointers for sale in an auction-style listing. He meant this to be an example for other things to be listed for sale. Then the broken laser pointer sold for over $14.00. He immediately contacted the buyer to make sure that they understood that is was broken. The buyer just happened to be collecting broken laser pointers. Then and there Pierre Omidyar knew he was on to†¦show more content†¦With today’s smart phones consumers are making purchases online with their phones. An example is someone bought a 1966 Corvette for $75,000 using their smart phone. The availability for people to research the costs of goods and compare them to in-store prices has evolved beyond anybody’s expectations. Even when someone is boasting of a good deal, it only takes a buyer sec onds to look up comparable items and prices on their phone. E-commerce is not just e-commerce anymore, it is just plain commerce. By connecting anything and anyone in an instant Ebay has transformed business and quality of life. A person who lives in the backwoods of Wyoming can still purchase high end item and have them the same week. It may take the nearest town’s store months to purchase and sell similar items on their shelves. I know that Ebay has changed the way our household is run. We rely on Ebay to makes ends meet by shaving dollars off goods and clothes we buy on a day to day basis. References Berstien, B. (2001, May 25). The Madison Courier. Retrieved February 2, 2010, from Ebay CEO survives the dot-com bust:;sjid=oWQNAAAAIBAJamp;pg=6764,5528032amp;dq=dot+com+bubble+ebayamp;hl=en Canedy, D. (1998, November 27). Stuffed Animals with Attitude May Spur Modest Rise in Toy Sales. Retrieved from New York Times: Hsiao, A.Show MoreRelatedEbay: Facing The Global Challenge Essay1107 Words   |  5 PagesExecutive Summary: The e-commerce industry has become a major player in the global retail environment. E-Bays large operating history has allowed the company to build a social capital of internet buyers and sellers that has now become its competitive advantage. However, intense competition in e-commerce has lead major players to lead expansion efforts in foreign markets where growing economies exist and the number of internet users is abundant. As a facilitator of online buyer-seller transactionsRead MoreRivalry Of The Global E Commerce Market1371 Words   |  6 PagesRivalry in the Industry: (Medium to High) E-Bay is one of the dominant players in the global e-commerce market; but because of low entry barriers E-Bay is currently facing competition in its different market segments. Therefore, this market is full of competitors such as Amazon, Craigslist, Yahoo! Auctions, and other new players such as Alibaba, and The battle between e-commerce players engage in price- based competition to persuade buyers, therefore these players limit theirRead MoreRivalry Of The Global E Commerce Market1496 Words   |  6 Pagesplayers, is one player very dominant or all equal in strength or size. E-Bay is one of the dominant players in the global e-commerce market; but because of low entry barriers E-Bay is currently facing competition in its different market segments. Therefore, this market is full of competitors such as Amazon, Craigslist, Yahoo! Auctions, and other new players such as Alibaba,, Groupon and The battle between e-commerce players engage in price- based competition to persuade buyers, thereforeRead MoreEBay Essay820 Words   |  4 PagesStudy University of Mary Hardin- Baylor Abstract 1. Analyze the marketing environment and the forces shaping eBay’s business over the years. What conclusions can you draw? The market eBay takes place in is primarily the Internet market. Around 1995 the Internet market was just beginning. â€Å"there will be more than 500 million users by 2003 and a rapid increase in e- commerce turnover, rising from US$500 billion worldwide in 2001 to more than US$3 trillion in 2004† (Fichter, 2003) EBay wasRead MoreTaking a Look at eBay Inc.978 Words   |  4 Pagespresent in over thirty countries and more. What started as a personal project has gone on to revolutionize the e-commerce platform and has become a huge success of the dot-com bubble. Throughout its existence, eBay Inc. has used many different approaches towards its clients, and consumers in order to make the environment as safe and reliable as possible. This is due to the fact that the e-commerce platform has its own challenges from time to time, and for a company like eBay Inc. that does what it doesRead MoreE Commerce Powerhouse Ebay Is Known Internationally As A Leader1476 Words   |  6 Pages E-Commerce powerhouse Ebay is known internationally as a leader in the market. The company was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 in San Francisco Originally eBay went by the name Auction Web and was launched with the purpose of enabling site users/consumers with the ability to trade unique items with each other. Under eBay’s business model, of the time a seller would place an item on eBay’s site with a minimum bid set for the buyer and the duration specified for auctioning that item. The servicesRead MoreMarketing Management Essay example1012 Words   |  5 PagesMarsha Carpenter BADM625-O2 Dr. Nall October 28, 2012 Marketing Excellence – eBay 1. Why has eBay succeeded as an online auction marketplace while so many others have failed? According to Kotler and Keller (2012, p. 411), eBay’s success began by creating aâ€Å"pricing revolution†, which allowed the bidders/buyers to determine the price they were willing to pay for an item. The consumers were pleased because they felt they were in control, and received the best possible price. The sellersRead MoreMarketing Strategies Of The Marketing Strategy Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesThe Marketing Strategies that were exercised by eBay which contributed to its success. 1. Definition of the Marketing Strategy Grewal and Levy (2010: p.32) states that â€Å"a marketing strategy identifies a firm’s target market(s), a related marketing mix - their four P’s and the bases upon which the firm plans to build a sustainable competitive advantage†. Kotler and Keller (2012: p.274) further argues that ‘the marketing strategy is built on segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) and a companyRead MoreEbay Expansion in China754 Words   |  4 PagesQuestion 1: eBay’s (diversification) expansion modes in China included acquisition and joint venture. Critically evaluate each mode of diversification by identifying the advantages and disadvantages for EBay given the competitive environment within the overall industry and specifically in China. By the year of 2006, eBay’s combined international investments in Latin American, Europe and Asia Pacific has totaled revenues of 2.1 billion, representing 49% of aggregate revenues of the companyRead MoreThe Phenomenon Of Online Trading : How Ebay And Amazon Became Successful Without Having A High Street Store10138 Words   |  41 Pagestheir performance in future. This research draws the attention to facts that despite both companies have many bad reviews, potential consumers are still attracted to shop using their websites, while present customers are consciously complaining about eBay’s and Amazon’s unprofessional customer service and after sale service, yet they still shop using both websites, resulting in eBay overcoming analysts’ predictions about their profits every quarter and Amazon investing big amounts of money in its growth

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hospitalization Cost of Conventional Psychiatric Care

Question: Discuss about the Hospitalization Cost of Conventional Psychiatric Care. Answer: Introduction: Without the interventions, psychosis poses serious threats to the community. Due to the underlying mental health disorder, violent behavior is observed in the community and residents are reluctant to access the mental health services available in the community (Kane et al., 2015). There is an increased level of violence in the community due to internal control overdrive and perceived threat. The psychotic people are witnessed to involve in assaultive behavior as they experience hallucinations and related psychotic symptoms (Burns et al., 2015). Psychotic residents tend to be socially excluded and greatly hamper their quality of life. The subsequent productivity of the community as a result of unemployment is related to the psychotic behavior of the residents. The psychotic individuals fail to thrive and stress persists in the community. They are involved in anti-social behavior due to the psychotic symptoms and affect the individuals in the society. As a result, it increases the crim e rates in the society and disturbances prevail in the community at an alarming stage. As a result of delay in interventions among the psychotic people, it increases the burden of disease in the community healthcare system. The cost of hospitalization increases as there will be delay in the early diagnosis and interventions for the individuals experiencing psychosis. The quality of life gets deteriorated due to the delay in early diagnosis and that increases the cost of medical services in the community (Kaplan, Isaranuwatchai Hoch, 2017). The delay in untreated psychosis has a great impact on the morbidity of the individuals and that increases the burden on the healthcare services. As the treatment gets delayed, the severity of the mental disorders increases with time. There are lesser chances of recovery with great relapse and as a result, there are negative health outcomes. When there is delay in the interventions for psychosis, the degree of diagnostic tools and other healthcare facilities increases and that result in the increase in the cost of healthcare facilit ies. The loss in productivity at work and the increasing financial costs for the treatment of mental illness has a devastating effect on the national economy and healthcare system in the country (Golberstein et al., 2015). The high standard of care required for the psychotic patients affect the clinical healthcare services in a clinical setting. The specialized medications prescribed for the treatment due to delay also add an additional cost to the hospitals. This shows that the delay in diagnosis and treatment for psychosis increases the burden of mental diseases and affects the community and the nations economy. References Burns, T., Yeeles, K., Koshiaris, C., Vazquez-Montes, M., Molodynski, A., Puntis, S., ... Rugksa, J. (2015). Effect of increased compulsion on readmission to hospital or disengagement from community services for patients with psychosis: follow-up of a cohort from the OCTET trial.The Lancet Psychiatry,2(10), 881-890. Golberstein, E., Busch, S. H., Zaha, R., Greenfield, S. F., Beardslee, W. R., Meara, E. (2015). Effect of the Affordable Care Acts young adult insurance expansions on hospital-based mental health care.American Journal of Psychiatry,172(2), 182-189. Kane, J. M., Robinson, D. G., Schooler, N. R., Mueser, K. T., Penn, D. L., Rosenheck, R. A., ... Marcy, P. (2015). Comprehensive versus usual community care for first-episode psychosis: 2-year outcomes from the NIMH RAISE early treatment program.American Journal of Psychiatry,173(4), 362-372. Kaplan, B. J., Isaranuwatchai, W., Hoch, J. S. (2017). Hospitalization cost of conventional psychiatric care compared to broad-spectrum micronutrient treatment: literature review and case study of adult psychosis.International Journal of Mental Health Systems,11(1), 14.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Birmingham International Airport free essay sample

Everyday around 5. 00 p. m. , in an interval of 30 minutes, around 20 flights land and depart from the Eurohub Terminal. At the same time, in the Main Terminal(next to the Eurohub), air-craft will arrive and leave. There are 7000 staffs from 150 organizations works there in all the departments, such as baggage handling, ground crews, airline’s ticketing staffs, and information desk. All these activities are coordinated by BIA’s Operating Director, Richard Heard. He explains his role as an Operating Director where he have to oversee about 600 employees from the total. not only that he have to manage the terminal buildings and other facilities. Not only that, he have to provide infrastructure for all the other organizations and provide leadership and coordination’s for them. He elaborate more about the real secret of managing operations. There are many secret for that. For example, work together as a team and built up a strong community spirit. We will write a custom essay sample on Birmingham International Airport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover, we must make sure to have a really good processes and procedures in place. Another key is operational planning where its about making the operation as efficient as possible. Like all other airport, BIA also usually ends up with some minor problems. But all these problems are settled by the terminal manager. Terminal manager need to keep their ears and eyes open all the time. They also have to deal with major incidents such as bomb threats, stranded passengers. Their real job is to sort it all out and make sure everyone knows what is happening. BIA’s mission is the be the best regional airport in Europe. To achieve this state, they need to improve everything that they do. For example, try to encourage other airlines to fill in the off-peak times. Running an airport is an exciting and magnificent challenge because can make a real difference to their customers and making a major contribution to the impact on the local economy.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on American Capital Punishment

The United States is one of the only nations in the ‘civilized’ world that still permits capital punishment. Also, The United States still practice crude methods of death such death by firing squad. I think that capital punishment is a just punishment. Not only is it a just form of punishment, it is the only way to punish someone who took another persons life. The United States is obligated to justify what loss of life that occurred. The core beliefs of our nation allows us to accept capital punishment as a form of punishment. Anyone who seeks to take another mans life, liberty and property, will be punished with the assistance of the government. In times of advanced technology, crude methods like hanging are still practiced by states like Washington. If we are so civilized, can’t we find a way to carry out punishment that isn’t so rudimentary? Lethal injection seems to be the only civilized and humane method of death. The rules are plain to see, if you do this, then this will happen to you. Someone has to do something seriously bad in order for them to merit the death sentence by a judge. I think that it is fair to say that the idea of capital punishment is just. How else would we compensate another persons wrongful death? No material thing on Earth is worth the price of a persons life.... Free Essays on American Capital Punishment Free Essays on American Capital Punishment The United States is one of the only nations in the ‘civilized’ world that still permits capital punishment. Also, The United States still practice crude methods of death such death by firing squad. I think that capital punishment is a just punishment. Not only is it a just form of punishment, it is the only way to punish someone who took another persons life. The United States is obligated to justify what loss of life that occurred. The core beliefs of our nation allows us to accept capital punishment as a form of punishment. Anyone who seeks to take another mans life, liberty and property, will be punished with the assistance of the government. In times of advanced technology, crude methods like hanging are still practiced by states like Washington. If we are so civilized, can’t we find a way to carry out punishment that isn’t so rudimentary? Lethal injection seems to be the only civilized and humane method of death. The rules are plain to see, if you do this, then this will happen to you. Someone has to do something seriously bad in order for them to merit the death sentence by a judge. I think that it is fair to say that the idea of capital punishment is just. How else would we compensate another persons wrongful death? No material thing on Earth is worth the price of a persons life....

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Gait Cycle In Relation To Plantar Corns Essay

The Gait Cycle In Relation To Plantar Corns - Essay Example Karl, B. 2013 (online article) asserts that corns and other plantar calluses cause limitations in walking, inability to carry out daily normal routines as well as an increased risk of falling to those affected. Corns are mainly resolved through a surgical removal that cuts them off. The feet being an organ of movement has to always be on the move with a normal person making 3 000-5 000 steps per day and an active person making 10 000 steps according to Biomechanics of walking 2012. Barney, S. 1995 in an online article asserts that gait simply refers to the style or manner of walking as opposed the actual process of walking. The gait cycle, is the time interval involved for one foot to make a step, it starts when the foot leaves the floor and ends when the same foot returns to the floor. The gait cycle encompasses two stages, the stance and swing stages Barney, S. 1995. The stance stage happens when the foot is on the floor and entails about sixty percent of the walking process. The swing stage happens when one foot is mid-air and the other foot is on the floor. The corn on metatarso-phalangeal joint affects the normal gait pattern resulting to an antalgic or abnormal gait. This leads to adjustments which Whittle, M. 1996 refers to as compensations or consequences. This is because the foot with the corn tends to avert spending the required time interval on the floor.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Luxury Marketing. Chanel case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Luxury Marketing. Chanel case - Essay Example The French product Chanel is the luxury brand established by Gabrielle Chanel in 1909 (Chanel, 2013). Chanel’s success is credited because the attention that it gives to various segments of customer, its use of luxury brand components in advertising and video promoting in publications of luxury brand which it was likewise broadcasted by Luxury Daily as Luxury Marketer in the year of 2013. Chanel targets ladies with high salaries between 23 and 80 age. The most simple strategy to talk to more young buyers was to incorporate VIP underwriting with on-screen Kristin Stewart actress in advertising promotion (Abbing, 2010). Other technique to speak its young customers is via digital media, which includes the versatile procedure, commercials on online buyer interaction and on Hulu. As far as this current, Chanel's luxury brand picture in consumer minds exceedingly takes up with its center products, premium evaluating procedure, quality and feel (Chanel, 2013). Chanel is the luxury br and for mold accessories, watches, jewelry, cosmetics product, scents and healthy skin. Because of the reality, it is still one of only a valuable few luxury brands that don't offer its products on the media, which, despite, does not change its performance, as it remains the best promoter in this portion.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tv Boon or Bane Essay Example for Free

Tv Boon or Bane Essay One hardly comes across a house today that does not have a TV set. Even those who belong to the lower income group invest in a TV set as soon as they can afford it. Most Indians spend their evenings glued to the television as this is the most easily available entertainment for them. Now there are cable connections in most of the houses and with the advent of international channels on our television, the popularity of TV has grown many folds. How TV does affect our lives today? We have to consider its advantages and disadvantages. In some ways TV is a boon. It is a vital source of information and helps to shape our lives in many ways. It keeps us posted with the latest political, social and cultural developments in the world. Hence, it educates us. It brings the people of the world closer by removing the distances that exist between us. Sitting in our rooms, we get a view of the entire world. TV also takes us nearer to the cultures of the world. While entertaining us with soap operas, dances, plays, music, etc. , it educates us about the lifestyles of the foreigners in those lands where these programmes are produced. We can compare our own culture with theirs and can learn something from them. With a television set in the house, a person can never get lonely. It can be mans best friend. However, the television turns into a curse when it interferes with the normal routine of our day. When children neglect their school books and homework, the television becomes a curse. It is a source of great temptation for children to watch a cartoon show or a movie on TV rather than study. Adults often become less social because of the television. They tie themselves down to the house according to the timings of their favourite television programme thus making themselves unavailable for various social gatherings. They might skip meeting a friend or calling on their relatives because they would rather watch a movie on television. This keeps them confined to the house and they often miss out on activities which are equally, if not more important, outside the four walls of the house. If one balances the TV viewing time and time for work, then TV is a boon all the way, else it may become a curse.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Process of Starting an IV (intravenous) Essay -- Expository Proces

The Process of Starting an IV (intravenous) Several skills are beneficial to the nurse and paramedic, but perhaps one of the most important skills is the ability to place an intravenous catheter into a vein. This procedure is most commonly referred to as â€Å"starting an IV†. In today’s medical community, intravenous cannulation is necessary for the administration of many antibiotics and other therapeutic drugs. Listed below are the procedures and guidelines for starting a successful IV. Following these instructions will provide a positive experience for the patient and clinician. First, you must obtain all of the necessary supplies: gloves, alcohol or Betadine preps, a tourniquet, tape, an appropriately sized IV catheter, a bag of IV solution, the IV tubing, and gauze pads. While obtaining the supplies, you should inform the patient that IV catheter placement is necessary, and why. Do not lie to the patient and tell him or her that it is a painless procedure. Instead, be honest with them and explain that the initial puncture feels like a sharp pinch on the skin and that the pain and discomfort associated with the IV placement is only temporary. You may find it helpful to demonstrate to the patient the amount of pain to expect by pinching the skin on the back of their hand. This is especially helpful for younger patients or patients who are more concrete in their thinking. Now, assemble and arrange all of the needed supplies so that they are easily accessible. Connect the IV tubing to the solution bag and allow the fluid in the bag to run through the entire length of the tubing, also known as priming the tubing. When this is done, clamp the tubing closed. You will then need to tear several pieces of tape, six to eight inche... ...f the clamps on the tubing to allow the IV solution to run freely. Slowly, decrease the flow of the solution to the appropriate rate as ordered by the physician. Using a small gauze pad, wipe away any excess blood or fluid on the surface of the skin. Then, using the pre-torn pieces of tape, secure the catheter hub and the IV tubing to the patient’s skin. Take extra caution not to kink the tubing. Once everything is secured, recheck the IV solution’s flow and then attend to the rest of your patients needs. Starting a successful IV takes practice, time, and patience. Once you have perfected this procedure, you will see that the above steps are simply guidelines to help beginners. As your experience grows, you will develop your own techniques and preferences. Remember these steps, and both you and your patient will have a successful IV catheter placement experience.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Recontructionism Essay

The role of the student in a Reconstructionist learning environment. The role of the student in the reconstructionist learning environment is to be an active participant. Students are encouraged to think critically about the world in which they live in and how it can be changed for the better. Students learn how to be problem solvers and decision makers. It is common for students to be challenged on their thoughts and feelings regarding topics. Acquisition of strong moral values are also encouraged through teaching. Reconstructionist encourages social activism among its students. It is not uncommon for students to learn while doing, such as organizing a food drive for the local homeless shelter. Progressivism With the Laboratory School set the stage for the progressive education movement. Based on the view that educators, like scientists, need a place to test their ideas, Dewey’s Laboratory School eventually became the most famous experimental school in the history of U. S. education, a place where thousands observed Dewey’s innovations in school design, methods, and curriculum. Although the school remained under Dewey’s control for only eight years and never enrolled more than 140 students (ages 3 to 13) in a single year, its influence was enormous. Dewey designed the Lab School with only one classroom but with several facilities for experiential learning: a science laboratory, an . Progressivism organizes schools around the concerns, curiosity, and real-world experiences of students. The progressive teacher facilitates learning by helping students formulate meaningful questions and devise strategies to answer those questions. Answers are not drawn from lists or even Great Books; they are discovered through real world experience. Progressivism is the educational application of a philosophy called pragmatism. According to pragmatism, the way to determine if an idea has merit is simple: test it. If the idea works in the real world, then it has merit. Both pragmatism and progressivism originated in America, the home of a very practical and pragmatic people. John Dewey refined and applied pragmatism to education, establishing what became known as progressivism. John Dewey was a reformer with a background in philosophy and psychology who taught that people learn best through social interaction in the real world. Dewey believed that because social learning had meaning, it endured. Book learning, on the other hand, was no substitute for actually doing things. Progressivisms do not believe that the mind can be disciplined through reading Great Books, rather that the mind should be trained to analyse experience thoughtfully and draw conclusions objectively. Dewey saw education as an opportunity to learn how to apply previous experiences in new ways. Dewey believed that students, facing an ever-changing world, should master the scientific method: (1) Become aware of a problem; (2) define it; (3) propose various hypotheses to solve it; (4) examine the consequences of each hypothesis in the light of previous experience; and (5) test the most likely solution. (For a biography of John Dewey, see the Hall of Fame: Profiles in Education in Chapter 4. ) Dewey regarded democracy and freedom as far superior to the political ideas of earlier times. Dewey saw traditional, autocratic, teacher-cantered schools as the antithesis of democratic ideals. He viewed progressive schools as a working model of democracy. Dewey wrote: To imposition from above is opposed expression and cultivation of individuality; to external discipline is opposed free activity; to learning from texts and teachers, learning through experience; to acquisition of isolated skills and techniques by drill is opposed acquisition of them as means of attaining ends which make direct vital appeal; to preparation for a more or less remote future is op-posed making the most of the opportunities of present life; to statistics and materials is opposed acquaintance with a changing world. The Progressive Classroom Walk into a progressivism classroom, and you will not find a teacher standing at the front of the room talking to rows of seated students. Rather, you will likely see children working in small groups, moving about and talking freely. Some children might be discussing a science experiment, while another group works on a model volcano, and a third pre-pares for a presentation. Interest centres would be located throughout the room, filled with books, materials, software, and projects designed to attract student interest on a wide array of topics. Finally you notice the teacher, walking around the room, bending over to talk with individual students and small groups, asking questions and making suggestions. You sense that the last thing on her mind is the standardized state test scheduled for next week. Progressivisms build the curriculum around the experiences, interests, and abilities of students, and encourage students to work together cooperatively. Teachers feel no compulsion to focus their students’ attention on one discrete discipline at a time, and students integrate several subjects in their studies. Thought-provoking activities augment reading, and a game like Monopoly might be used to illustrate the principles of capitalism versus socialism. Computer simulations, field trips, and interactive websites on the Internet offer realistic learning challenges for students, and build on students’ multiple intelligences. Progressivism in Action: The Laboratory School In 1896, while a professor at the University of Chicago, Dewey founded the Laboratory School as a testing ground for his educational ideas. Dewey’s writings and his work art room, a wood-working shop, and a kitchen. Children were likely to make their own weights and measures in the laboratory, illustrate their own stories in the art room, build a boat in the shop, and learn chemistry in the kitchen. They were unlikely to learn through isolated exercises or drills, which, according to Dewey, students consider irrelevant. Since Dewey believed that students learn from social interaction, the school used many group methods such as cooperative model-making, field trips, role playing, and dramatizations. Dewey maintained that group techniques make the students better citizens, developing, for example, their willingness to share responsibilities. Children in the Laboratory School were not promoted from one grade to another after mastering certain material. Rather, they were grouped according to their individual interests and abilities. For all its child-cantered orientation, however, the Laboratory School remained hierarchical in the sense that the students were never given a role comparable to that of the staff in determining the school’s educational practices. Social Reconstructionism Social reconstructionism encourages schools, teachers, and students to focus their studies and energies on alleviating pervasive social inequities, and as the name implies, reconstruct society into a new and more just social order. Al-though social reconstructionist agree with progressivists that schools should concentrate on the needs of students, they split from progressivism in the 1920s after growing impatient with the slow pace of change in schools and in society. George Counts, a student of Dewey, published his classic book, Dare the Schools Build a New Social Order? in which he outlined a more ambitious, and clearly more radical, approach to education. Counts’s book, written in 1932, was no doubt influenced by the human cost of the Great Depression. He proposed that schools focus on reforming society, an idea that caught the imagination and sparked the ideals of educators both in this country and abroad. Social challenges and problems provide a natural (and moral) direc tion for curricular and instructional activities. Racism, sexism, environmental pollution, homelessness, poverty, substance abuse, homophobia, AIDS and violence are rooted in misinformation and thrive in ignorance. Therefore, social reconstructionists believe that school is the ideal place to begin ameliorating social problems. The teacher’s role is to explore social problems, suggest alternate perspectives, and facilitate student analysis of these problems. While convincing, cajoling, or moralizing about the importance of addressing human tragedy would be a natural teacher response, such adult-led decision-making flies in the face of reconstructionist philosophy. A social reconstructionist teacher must model democratic principles. Students and teachers are expected to live and learn in a democratic culture; the students themselves must select educational objectives and social priorities. The Social Reconstructionist Classroom A social reconstructionist teacher creates lessons that both intellectually inform and emotionally stir students about the inequities that surround them. A class might read a book and visit a photojournalist’s exhibit portraying violent acts of racism. If the book, exhibit and the class discussion that follows move the students, the class might choose to pursue a long-term project to investigate the problem. One group of students might analyse news coverage of racial and ethnic groups in the community. Another student group might conduct a survey analysing community perceptions of racial groups and race relations. Students might visit city hall and examine arrest and trial records in order to determine the role race plays in differential application of the law. Students might examine government records for information about housing patterns, income levels, graduation rates and other relevant statistics. The teacher’s role would be as facilitator: assisting students in focusing their questions, developing a strategy, helping to organize visits, and ensuring that the data collected and analysed meet standards of objectivity. Throughout, the teacher would be instructing students on research techniques, statistical evaluation, writing skills, and public communications. In a social reconstructionist class, a research project is more than an academic exercise; the class is engaged in a genuine effort to improve society. In this case, the class might arrange to meet with political leaders, encouraging them to create programs or legislation to respond to issues the students uncovered. The students might seek a pro bono attorney to initiate legal action to remedy a social injustice they unmasked. Or perhaps the students might take their findings directly to the media by holding a press conference. They might also create a Web page to share their findings and research methods with students in other parts of the country, or other parts of the world. How would the teacher decide if the students have met the educational goals? In this example, an objective, well-prepared report would be one criterion, and reducing or eliminating a racist community practice would he a second measure of success. Social Reconstructionism in Action: Paulo Freire Paulo Freire believed that schools were just another institution perpetuating social inequities while serving the interests of the dominant group. Like social reconstructionism itself, Freire’s beliefs grew during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when he experienced hunger and poverty first-hand. Influenced by Marxist and neo-Marxist ideas, Freire accused schools of perpetuating the status quo views of the rich and powerful â€Å"for the purpose of keeping the masses submerged and content in a culture of silence. † Schools were endorsing social Darwinism, the idea that society is an ingenious â€Å"sorting† system, one in which the more talented rise to the top, while those less deserving find themselves at the bottom of the social and economic pecking order. The conclusion: Those with money de-serve it, those without money deserve their lot in life, and poverty is a normal, preordained part of reality. Freire rejected this conclusion. He did not believe that schools should be viewed as â€Å"banks,† where the privileged deposit ideas like social Darwinism to he spoon fed into the limited minds of the dispossessed. He envisioned schools as a place where the poor can acquire the skills to regain control of their lives and influence the social and economic forces that locked them in poverty in the first place. Freire engaged the poor as equal partners in dialogues that explored their economic and social problems and possible solutions. Freire believed in praxis, the doctrine that when actions are based on sound theory and values, they can make a real difference in the world. (It is no accident that the term praxis is also the name given to the teacher competency tests required by many states. ) Freire’s ideas took hold not only in his native Brazil, but in poor areas around the globe. As poor farm workers became literate and aware, they organized for their self-improvement, and began to work for change. It is not surprising that the autocratic leaders of his country eventually forced him into exile, for he had turned schooling into a liberating force. For a biography of Paulo Freire, see the Hall of Fame: Profiles in Education in Chapter 4. ) How Can Education Reduce Crime? A major proposition for solving the crime epidemic has always been a call for more education: however does a more educated society mean a lawful society? Schools as institutions are merely a microcosm of society and as such must inherently reflect the attitudes and behavior of the public, including stealing from each other beating up on each other, dealing in contraband and sexually violating each other. Students flout school regulations and/or national laws. One can now ponder which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Does the deviant student become the criminal? Or does the criminal modeling within society create the deviant student? Students however are not the only perpetrators of crime in schools. Teachers represent authority figures in the system, and like in wider society, they may abuse their power and break school rules as well. These unfortunate events again raise questions. What causes a teacher to give unfair advantages to his favorite students? What causes the politician/policeman to pardon his criminal friend or allow him unfair advantages? What causes authority figures to victimize members of a certain groups? In the end, we need to view the issues of crime in school and crime in society as interlinked. Viewed in this context, the solution of increased education on its own to mitigate crime, seems less feasible. A favorable learning environment, coupled with specialized teaching techniques can lower deviance and increase the rule of law. Students are more likely to succeed when they feel connected to the school and the learning process. This connection reflects students’ belief that school administrations care about them as individuals. Teachers are central to creating a clear classroom structure. They must build connectedness in the classroom and encourage team-learning exercises to break down social isolation by integrating student teams across gender, academic ability, and ethnicity. A supportive school administration must not allow a young person to ‘fail’, or students will inadvertently believe in’ winners and losers’. This assumption sets up a dysfunctional dichotomy: the ‘winners’ or the academically proficient become ‘nerds’ and ‘losers’. A positive, nurturing school culture with students experiencing connectedness to their school will create a positive, nurturing society with citizens experiencing connectedness to their communities and by extension, their country. Studies show a high proportion of students positively connected to their school are likely to increase academic performance and school competition rates and decrease incidents of fighting, bullying, vandalism and absenteeism. There is strong evidence, applicable across racial, ethnic and income groups that students who feel connect to school are less likely to exhibit disruptive behavior. Implementing civic education, particularly education about the rule of law into school curricula is used in Latin America and Asia as a predominant technique to foster knowledge and attitudes that prevent crime and corruption, protect human rights and enrich and enhance formal democracy. In Trinidad and Tobago, the education system has consistently separated schools and students into vocation and university tracks and as such, avoided providing all students with the same core curriculum and setting inclusive academic standards. This form of ‘informed prejudice’ has created, over the past decades, a society of confident and ‘inferior’ citizens, professionals and dropouts, favored ‘old-boy’ graduates and ‘neglected strugglers. ’ Without a significant paradigm shift in the education system, the levels of crime in schools and society will increase or remain constant, students will always steal and teachers will always create as many or more problems than they solve. Higher levels of education do not guarantee less crime in society, but indeed a more effective education system that caters to both the students and teacher’s mental and psychological health, while fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for civic duty and the rule of law, is key for crime reduction. Advocates: Early education key to reducing crime The key to eradicating crime and violent behaviour, say organizers with the non-profit Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Pennsylvania, is to invest more resources in early care and child education. That was the theme earlier this week as Fight Crime visited the Penn Alexander School to unveil its findings in the multi-point plan, â€Å"High-Quality Early Care and Education: a Key To Reducing Crime in Pennsylvania. † The plan points to numerous nationwide studies which found that in Michigan, at-risk children not enrolled in high-quality programs were five times more likely to be chronic offenders by the age of 27; another report, this one based on Chicago, found that at-risk kids not participating in the city’s child-parent centre programs are 70 per cent more likely to be arrested for a violent crime by the age of 19. And since the School District of Philadelphia’s enrolment of at-risk/economically disadvantaged children currently sits at 80. 6 per cent – or 117,749 students – it only made sense for Philadelphia to be the first stop in a state-wide mission, said Fight Crime Pennsylvania State Director Bruce Clash. â€Å"Philadelphia is obviously important because it’s a big city, and important because so many kids here have unmet needs,† Clash said. â€Å"And that’s a travesty for them, their families and the community at large. Clashed praised the efforts of District Attorney Seth Williams in embracing the findings and for attending the unveiling, along with district superintendent Dr. William Hite Sr. and other elected and appointed officials. Williams and Hite were both unavailable for comment as of Tribune press time. The report illustrates in great detail the correlation between the lack of education and criminality and the positive effects reaped wh en limited resources are properly utilized, vital when only 17. 6 per cent of eligible 3- and 4-year-olds have access to high-quality publicly funded pre-K programs throughout the commonwealth. The report also shows that Pennsylvania spends more than $2. 3 billion on incarceration, but only $340 million on early childhood education. â€Å"Law enforcement leaders across Pennsylvania want to make sure more Pennsylvania children receive high-quality care and education in their early years – the help they need to succeed in life and avoid later crime and violence,† read a portion of the findings. â€Å"Despite strong evidence that high-quality early education can reduce future corrections costs in Pennsylvania and nationally, spending on corrections far surpasses spending on early education. The report further shows that, of criminals labelled chronic offenders by the age of 2, 35 per cent of them did not attend or participate in preschool programs; conversely, only 7 per cent of those that did attend such a program went on to be considered chronic offenders. The report suggests several ways to cut off young criminal pipeline, including increasing the number of quality teachers, better funding for federal early care, Pre-K and head start programs, better implementation of the Child Care and Development Block grant and more school districts taking part in the federal â€Å"Race To The Top† program. The thing most criminals have in common is the lack of a high school education. Not everyone who doesn’t get a diploma commits a crime, but there are more likely to commit a crime and be incarcerated,† Clash said. â€Å"So we targeted early childhood, with 40 years of research showing us that if you reach at-risk and economically disadvantaged children, 44 per cent more were likely to graduate because they have a foundation to build on, develop, grow from and attain the skills they need in life. Clash said inroads are being made, citing the recent, multi-million dollar funding of the state’s â€Å"Pre-K Counts† program and the various Head start initiatives. Those two programs are funded through a series of line items in the state budget. â€Å"Both of these funding streams are used by the School District of Philadelphia and by hundreds of school districts throughout the state, and many other districts use their own money for these programs,† Clash said. Momentum continues to grow, but the problem is that only 17 per cent of all Pennsylvanian three- and four-year-olds receive publicly-funded, high-quality Pre-K programming. â€Å"And in Philadelphia, it’s a huge, unmet need, since 3,100 kids are at the poverty line do not have access to pre-K programs because they are on a wait list,† Clash continued. â€Å"So this report makes the case of why law enforcement is so concerned about getting access to pre-K young kids. Long-term arrests come down, and behaviourally, the data shows a reduction in early aggressive behaviour. †

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Helping Art Of clinical Nursing - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 839 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Virginia Henderson is one of the major people known as the legends in the nursing field. She is commonly referred to as the modern and she has earned a first nurse of the 20th century which has become her title. She has made so many contributions, and she is being compared with Florence Nightingale since they are the most prominent people that have a far much reaching effects on the national and international communities of nursing.   Virginia Henderson was after defining the unique focus of the nursing practice.   This essay is to analyze the need theory in nursing and how the theory was developed.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Helping Art Of clinical Nursing" essay for you Create order The theory of need was developed by Virginia Henderson, and it was consequent from her practice and the education that she has. Her goal was not to develop the nursing theory but rather to come up with a way that will help her to focus on her practice. It is an approach that emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient’s ability to be independent so that their progress after being hospitalized will not be delayed at all. Due to Virginia Henderson focusing on the human needs, it has led to the further development of the theory regarding the needs of each patient and how nursing is in a position to meet all the needs of each patient. The need theory suggests that the nurses should be in a situation where they care for the patient. She addressed the individual, health, the environment, and nursing. The theory focuses on patients who are in need and not a client or a customer. Virginia Henderson has a belief about an occupation that affects human life, then that occupation must outline all its functions since it is regarded as a profession. She first participated in revising the text book about nursing. It was at the revision of the text book when she realized that there is the need to clear the functions of the nurses. Also, she was concerned that many states have no provisions for the nursing license which will help in ensuring that there is a safe and competent care for all the patients that are in the hospital. The nursing theory Virginia Henderson claims that the human being is the patient or the individual that requires assistance for them to be healthy or peaceful at their time of death.   This is a theory that is currently being used by various institutions and by many nurses. Virginia Henderson says that the nursing process is an application of the logical approach whereby a person is after coming up with a solution to an individual problem.   The nursing process is made up of assessment, nursing diagnoses, outcome, planning, implementation and the evaluation. The theory of nursing need helps the nurses in coming up with new knowledge about several processes those they get involved in each day in their career. The nurses are in a position where they can organize the principle that they can use in evaluating the patient care and improve the nursing interventions. This theory helps the nurses in the process of making a decision which is rationale and will not have a high impact or any consequences. With the need theory, the nurse is in a position where they can assist the patients and give them the opportunity for expression and taking care of themselves since they are independent.   After the nurses are the rationale for patient care, they are in a position where they can ask more about the theory or the evidence that is in their practice.   The nurses are in the position to help the patient to breathe normally, eat and drink adequately according to the aid of the nursing need theory. In the next five years, I will be far ahead when it comes to the nursing practices that I have learned from the theory of need by Virginia Henderson. It is among the best methods that emphasize on the care for the patients and how they can live a healthy life even after they have been discharged from the hospital. The theory has an impact on both the nurses in the field and the patients. This is because they can learn more about the theory and what it has to their health.   The nursing need theory is one that explains to the nurses all that they need to do for them to take care of all their patients and it should be done appropriately. It is very crucial for the nurses in the era that we are today to see themselves as professional who have all the intellectual bases for the actions and the decisions that they make each day. They are in the position where they can think critically about the decisions that they make since they have the obligation of offloading the doctor’s task. By using the appropriate nursing theories, then they are in the position where they can make and be confident about the decision that they make hence making their personal growth and develop professionally.