Thursday, November 28, 2019

“Ogres are like onions” Essay Example Essay Example

â€Å"Ogres are like onions† Essay Example Paper â€Å"Ogres are like onions† Essay Introduction The film ‘Shrek’, released in 2001, is enormously popular. It appeals to everyone – adults, teenagers and children. The film has â€Å"layers† meaning people see the film at different levels. Initial interest first arose around ‘Shrek’ because of the computer generated graphics the film used, which at the time of release were a very new and original at the time of release, which in turn attracted people to see the film, to see this ‘new’ form of medium. Another reason for this initial popularity is the cast list, which features voiceovers from some very famous, well-liked, funny actors and actresses who have good reputations amongst the public. The film also featured lots of new, modern and popular music from ‘fashionable’ music artists. However after this initial interest arose, more and more people decided to watch ‘Shrek’ especially families, and ‘Shrek’ still is a popular film. But how did the films producers achieve this overall popularity for ‘Shrek’?One reason for ‘Shrek’s’ popularity is the traditional fairytale elements it contains. The film immediately begins with an old leather bound book. An old, conventional voice reads the traditional fairytale beginning – â€Å"Once upon a the tallest room at the top of the tallest tower.but none prevailed.† Being at the start, this sets the scene for what is to come. All the usual fairytale characters are featured too all collected from different stories. We see the Three Pigs, the Wolf that blew their house down, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, the Gingerbread man and many more. ‘Shrek’ also has a traditional storyline – the knight’s quest to save the beautiful princess. This feature works well because a lot of people know about fairytales, meaning that parents would be prepared to bring their children along to see the film, because the fairytale sto ryline guarantees that the film will be child friendly, leaving parents satisfied that they can bring their children to see the film therefore increasing the overall popularity of the film because children are a large type of group who visit the cinema. All this is what one would expect from a boring old fairytale.Yet not all is this way. One feature that makes ‘Shrek’ so well-liked is the clever way in which the films’ producers manager to ‘subvert’ the fairytale. It is this that makes ‘Shrek’ so funny making the film popular. Whereas all the roles for a traditional fairytale are there, the characters that play them are wrong and mixed up in some way. The rescuer of the princess isn’t the handsome prince people would expect – it’s actually a green, smelly, ugly ogre. The princess too is supposed to be a beautiful princess yet she ‘unfortunately’ turns into an ogre at night. Eventually the two ogres fall in love which the audience find amusing because it’s the most unlikely relationship. The ‘fierce’ dragon is mixed up too. On first impression the dragon is nasty and wants to eat the good characters. Yet it turns out to be a girl dragon that falls in love with the donkey. The dragon then changes and becomes friendly and helpful to Shrek. The King is another example of a subverted role. In usual fairytales the king is powerful, great and strong. He is the ruler and in charge. Yet in ‘Shrek’, Lord Farquaad is a midget. ‘Shrek’ also subverts ideas from other fairytale themes. One notable example is where Fiona sings to the blackbirds to get their eggs for breakfast which is a parody of Princess Aurora in a scene of Disney’s classic film Sleeping Beauty, where the princess is seen singing to birds and other woodland creatures. That adds a critical ‘twist’ to the film, which needs to be there to keep the interest of the a udience there, especially teenagers and adults, which the fairytale plot won’t appeal to as much as the children. This therefore keeps children entertained, yet teenagers and adults, who see the film also entertained, making ‘Shrek’ truly a family film.’Shrek’ also has lots of modern elements in which add to the humour and fun the film provides. Examples of this include the modern soundtrack the film has throughout which contrast with the traditional music seen for example in Disney films. The rock and pop music seen in ‘Shrek’ help to attract children and teenagers, whom the majority of will listen to this sort of music. Some of the props seen in ‘Shrek’ are from modern day life too, which the audience find amusing and interesting because they are items they see at home or on television, mixed into this fairytale story. An example of this is the cocktail Lord Farquaad is drinking after the knight’s tournament. It is very over the top with a cherry in much like drinks seen in modern day cocktail bars and is not the traditional ale one would expect him to be drinking which again adds to the humour of the film. Another instance of a modern day object is Lord Farquaad’s castle seen which Shrek and Donkey encounter trying to get Shrek’s swamp back. Several things in the castle are modern for instance the animated information booth found in the courtyard. Both music and dance are modern and funny and is a favourite with viewers. The castle also has a parking area called ‘Lancelot’ similar to Madame Tussaud attractions like Alton Towers which is funny and modern which appeals to viewers who might have visited Alton Towers for example. Some more examples of modern day life in Shrek are the tournament which Lord Farquaad holds where instead of a traditional jousting fight, it is like a modern day wrestling match and another example is matrix style fighting Fiona performs agai nst Robin Hood. By having lots of modern day life modifications, ‘Shrek’ gives the audience something to relate to and also adds an interesting and humourous twist to the film. This helps account for ‘Shrek’s’ enormous popularity.However it is as easy as it sounds to put modern elements into a film like ‘Shrek’. Not just any contemporary objects or themes can be put in. They need to fit in with the film and compliment the storyline. The elements also need to be suitable for the target audience, which is aimed at everyone meaning some elements would not be suitable to fit into ‘Shrek’. Examples would be adult material or things to do with war like a nuclear bomb. These would bring the age certificate up meaning a reduced audience, less revenue and perhaps the film being criticised by the press. So this is another way the film has become popular – by the film makers carefully and thoughtfully inserting the modern elemen ts and making sure modern themes that wouldn’t fit in are left out.The dialogue in ‘Shrek’ is also important for ‘Shrek’s’ popularity. The dialogue is crucial because the audience hear it all the time. A good dialogue is important because it affects the film. The dialogue greatly varies with ‘Shrek’ and changes with the mood of the story. The dialogue makes the film funny a lot of the time by Eddie Murphy who makes jokes which can make an awkward or boring situation interesting. An example of this is when Shrek and Donkey have just reached the castle where the princess is being held. The castle is dark, big and scary and is in the middle of a lake of lava. Normally this would be quite a scary scene yet Donkey cheers up the situation with his humour – implying Shrek had â€Å"cracked one off† which is both modern language and funny especially for younger children.There are lots of other examples of this modern dialogu e in ‘Shrek’ too. Near the beginning of the film when the guards approach Shrek for Donkey, the words â€Å"designated settlement facility† are used. The words would seem out of place normally but with Shrek, this modern vocabulary just seems to fit in. Old-fashioned, traditional vocabulary is also used such as that used by the princess like â€Å"yonder window† and â€Å"champion†. The dialogue in ‘Shrek’ gets the film good reviews from the press, because it’s so clever and good, bring more people in, increasing popularity.’Shrek’ has lots of ambiguity in it. Mostly this is in dialogue form such as where Shrek says â€Å"Well I have to save my ass† which is true in one way because Shrek needs to fetch Donkey from the dragon yet also true in another, because Shrek needs to get out the castle without getting caught by the dragon and hence saving his life. By using clever ambiguous dialogue like this, the film creates an interest point – did you see it as this meaning, or the other, or perhaps even both? Different groups of people may see it in different ways like children, teenagers and adults. This gives the film humour also because of the dialogue used to create the ambiguity.Psychology also plays a small part in making ‘Shrek’ a good film and therefore popular. Psychology is all about the mind, thoughts, and behaviour. Psychology can be very subtle and this adds depth to the film. An example is the language Donkey uses with Dragon. â€Å"I’m not emotionally ready for a physical relationship.unwanted physical contact† and also Shrek says so interesting things â€Å"sometimes things are more than they appear† and â€Å"I’m not your type†. This dialogue is clever because we have a cartoony, fun, fairytale style story yet we have this deep feelings coming out, which would normally be seen in older, more complex films. With this techni que, ‘Shrek’ can appeal to older viewers such as parents who have taken their children to see the film and therefore creates a larger audience making it more popular.There is another way that ‘Shrek’ appeals to an older audience through too. Shrek fits in lots of adult ‘stuff’ which is very clever because it appeals to adults and teenagers yet not being to obscene or offensive for children. This is sometimes dialogue like which tends to be humorous like when Shrek says â€Å"sure it’s big enough but look at the location†. This is a parody of estate agents and shows like ‘Location Location Location’. Children wouldn’t understand it at all, but adults would. Another example is Robin Hood’s dance. The dance is very homosexual and Robin Hood is portrayed as gay. Adults find this funny, but children are not left out because the dance itself is humorous. It is seen at different levels.In conclusion I have lear nt why and how ‘Shrek’ has become and still is a popular film. It achieves this popularity by the numerous techniques used in the film. The main reason I think there is for how popular the film is, is the humour it has. Lots of techniques create this, like the subverting of the fairytale, the dialogue and the modern day elements. Through this the film becomes very funny and attracts lots of attention. Another important reason for how well-liked ‘Shrek’ is how ‘Shrek’ can be seen at different levels. It appeals to different groups of people, and is attractive to them for different reasons. Adults enjoy the adult humour cleverly put in; children enjoy the fairytale story line, and the funny characters. All this makes ‘Shrek’ an enjoyable, humorous, family movie. That is why ‘Shrek’ is such a popular and well liked film. â€Å"Ogres are like onions† Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition...

Alice Lloyd College Admissions - ACT Scores, Tuition... Alice Lloyd College Admissions Overview: Alice Lloyd College had an acceptance rate of 22 percent in 2016, but  the actual admission bar isnt overly high. Admitted students tend to have average ACT or SAT scores and grades in the A and B range. The admission process, however, is holistic and involves much more than numerical measures. As a work college with an extremely low price tag, Alice Lloyd looks for students who will be a good match for the college and who will benefit from the experience. For this reason, all applicants must schedule an interview with an admissions counselor, and visiting the campus for a tour is highly recommended.   Admissions Data (2016): Alice Lloyd College Acceptance Rate: 22 percentTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 440 / 590SAT Math: 470 / 540What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 18  / 25ACT English: 17  / 25ACT Math: 16 / 23What these ACT numbers mean Alice Lloyd College Description: Alice Lloyd College is a small liberal arts college located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. It is also one of seven recognized  American work colleges, meaning that students are employed in the college’s work-study program on campus or with an off-campus outreach project as a way to gain work experience and to partially pay their tuition. Students at Alice Lloyd College are required to complete at least 160 hours of work per semester. The remote campus is situated on 175 acres in the hills of eastern Kentucky, a few hours southeast of Lexington. Academics are strong and leadership-driven, supported by the college’s work program. Students can choose from 14 liberal arts majors, including popular programs in biology, business administration and elementary education. The college is located in Knott County, which is a dry county, so alcohol is prohibited on campus. The Alice Lloyd College Eagles compete in the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference of the NAIA. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 605  (all undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 45 percent male / 55 percent female95  percent full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $11,550Books: $1,400 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,240Other Expenses: $5,100Total Cost: $24,290 Alice Lloyd College Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 65 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $8,832Loans: $4,244 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Business Administration, Elementary Education, Social Sciences, History, English Literature, Sociology, Exercise Science Retention and Graduation Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 84 percentTransfer-out Rate: 20 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 27 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 31 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country, Tennis, Softball Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Alice Lloyd College, You May Also Like These Schools: For students that might be interested in another work college, other recognized schools include  Berea College,  Warren Wilson College,  Blackburn College,  Ecclesia College, and the College of the Ozarks. If youre looking for a small school (around or less than 1,000 students) in Kentucky, Transylvania University, Georgetown College, and Kentucky Wesleyan College are all great choices. And all three of these schools are largely accessible, with at least two-thirds of applicants accepted each year. Alice Lloyd College Mission Statement: mission statement from The mission of Alice Lloyd College is to educate mountain people for positions of leadership by Making an Alice Lloyd College education available to qualified mountain students regardless of their financial situation.Offering a high quality academic program, emphasizing the liberal arts.Promoting the work ethic through a self-help Student Work Program in which all full-time students participate.Providing an atmosphere in which Christian values are maintained, encouraging high personal standards, and the development of character.Serving the community and region through appropriate outreach programs which utilize mountain people helping mountain people.Assisting deserving students in obtaining advanced study beyond their program at Alice Lloyd.Producing leaders for Appalachia who possess high moral and ethical values, an attitude of self-reliance, and a sense of service to others.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Entrepreneurship 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Entrepreneurship 2 - Essay Example Although actually I believe in my efforts and try to take advantage of opportunities, I can admit that sometimes I tend to think that there is my destiny programme in the universe that rules my life. But now I know that my relatively low level of the Locus of Control can be a barrier to my entrepreneurial aspiring, so I should learn to exert more control over my life and to increase my personal responsibility in achieving success in the context of solving my problems. I should also pay more attention to development of my creativity, improving imagination and an ability to see different perspectives of ordinary things. I consider my company attracts and keeps entrepreneurial talents thanks to two main principles of its business – to give the opportunity for personal growth to each employee and to enhance personal capabilities through building and development of the team. Each person in our company feels that the company’s success depends upon successes of each of us and vice versa. Amabile (1998) asserts that creativity takes place when expertise, creative-thinking skills, and motivation join together. In my company all three necessary components are established. In spite of that my business (a coffee shop) comprises much of routine, a creative atmosphere is provided thanks to challenges that are regularly given to staff, e.g. a contest in finding a best solution to attract of our ex-customers or to make suggestions for a seasonal menu. New ideas from the personnel are encouraged by our managers, especially if the ideas help to improve customer services. I think our good open-minded creative climate is also provided by the team that consists of people with diverse expertises and backgrounds – it helps us to gain different views and to synthesize them in new, sometimes unusual ideas. 2. I understand causes of the problem. The famous Kiplings â€Å"six